Friday, June 30, 2006

3 Pillars of Joy!

The three things that bring a smile to my lips:

1. The Future. I would call myself a futurist. I read a lot about what is coming soon. It excites me almost to a frenzy.
2. The thought of the impossible becoming, well, possible. Do you remember "It"? It was a under the covers invention that was created by an incredible inventor named Dean Kamen. He invented the iBOT, which is a mechanized wheelchair that climbs obstacles such as stairs. He also invented a mobile dialysis system for medical applications.

Anyway, because of all of the patents surrounding Kamen there was a cult following about what "It" was. There were rumors going around that it could be anything from a transport device (much like that found on star trek) to a hover board. It ended up being a gyroscopic scooter called the Segway, but for a few weeks I was in geek heaven.

3. The perfect stroke. I'm not talking about golf. I'm talking art. There is such a thing of beauty that is the single perfect line or stroke. It can be the line of a woman's back, or the cut of a horse's eyelid. But the perfect stroke is a thing of beauty, worthy of admiration.

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