Thursday, July 06, 2006

Incedent #3402

On the evening of the twenty third of October, 2002, at approximately 9:24 PM, Mrs. Babs Smith called the front desk to report that her mink coat had gone missing. She had last seen it at approximately 5:30 PM, just before leaving her room for dinner.

At 9:32 PM I went to her room to take inventory of the scene. It was somewhat in a mess, but Mrs. Smith said that it may have gotten that way when her and her husband, Mr. Smith, were preparing for dinner. While looking around the room I had noticed a wallet on the table. The wallet was open and the name on the New York drivers license was Lonny Malovich.

When I questioned Mr and Mrs Smith about the wallet they both acted like it was not theirs. However, upon picking up the wallet it was clear to me that Mr. Smith was indeed Mr Malovich. He then became very angry and argumentative. I eventually had to use restraints on Mr. Malovich.

At 9:53 PM I called 911. The Drivesdale Police arrived at 10:05 PM. The removed Mr. Malovich's plastic cuffs and restrained him with Police issue cuffs. Mrs. Smith was also restrained and both were taken in for questioning. One of the offices recognised Mr. Malovich as being wanted in the state of Navada for robbery.

Upon further investigation it turned out that the room was registered to a Mr. and Mrs Johnny Smith, from Utah. They were found early the next morning after coming in from a late night out. They had lost there keys and stopped by the front desk to aquire a new key to their room. There was no mink coat.

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