Friday, July 14, 2006

I.R. - 07142006 - Assault on an Officer

On Friday, July 14, 2006 at approx. 2132 I (Ofc. J. Glover) was conducting an interior patrol of the Fairchild property. Upon entering the Galley I observed a suspicious person (later identified as Mr. B. Rian). I approached Mr. B. Rian and asked to see some identification at which time he attempted to strike me in the chest with a closed fist. I leaned back causing the swing to miss and then stepped away from Mr. B. Rian. Mr. B. Rian advanced on me and kicked me in the upper thigh. I stepped into the trapping range (a close proximity fighting range) and applied a knee strike to Mr. B. Rian's Common Peronial. He stumbled to his left and as he did I applied a forearm strike to his Brachial Plexus. Once on the ground, Mr. B. Rian stopped resisting and allowed me to place him in handcuffs with no further incident. I was able to notify Plano Police Department at approx. 2134. Plano Police Officers B. Rooklyn (badge #0001) and K. Ylea (badge #0002) arrived on scene at approx. 2155 and took custody of Mr. B. Rian. Plano Police cleared the scene at approx. 2215. Case #12345. Nothing further to report.

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