Thursday, January 18, 2007


Okay folks, it's time to renew our story telling abilities. Court started our story off back in August, I finally did some work on it this week and passed it on to Amber. Sorry Amber you actually should have been the last one on the list. I could not remember who was where. However, Jared is next after you then Elizabeth and then Brian. Brian should go ahead and make the post onto the blog. Everyone else should work in Word Perfect or whatever and pass the story on to the next via email.
Also please make sure that you make a copy to keep for yourself so that we can see the development of the story when it is finished. We will try and set up a time that we can all get together and do this.

Premise: It is mid-January, the weather is not, I repeat not warm. What would be your desired fantasy for this week. Must be at least 10 lines long.

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