Thursday, June 15, 2006

Barbie's Dark Night

Barbie slid down the tree and landed squarely on her feet. That was easy enough. She then turned and headed down the street. Where was she headed? Her friend Jan's cast;e? That sounded like a good idea. It was far, she thought. But she carried on anyway.

As she got further and further away from her castle she realized that it was quite scary out side on a strange street without anyone else with her. Things looked so different at night. She could hear noises, but she didn't know what they were.

Just then a stranger rode up next to her on a giant horse.

"My lady. What art tho doing outside of the castle walls on an eve such as this?" The man asked. He had such a gravely voice. It really scared Barbie. She didn't know what to do. She knew her mommy and daddy had told her never to talk to strangers. But they weren't there now, were they?

"Waiting upon my gaurdsmen, Sir."

"Lass, I am affraid your are alone!" The man leaned down and smiled a crooked smile.

Barbie did what she had been told. She turned and began to run. She ran as hard and as fast as she could until she got back to the castle gate. There were her mommy and daddy frantically looking for her and calling her name. They were so glad to find her!

Barbie would never sneak out of the castle again!

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