Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Jared's Premise

Okay, I know it is really late, but this shouldn't take too long if you want to do it.

I want everyone to think of something (real or otherwise) that you would define an INCIDENT. Something that you feel you would need to report to someone. Then I want you to write an incident report. Include Who, What, Where, When, Why and How. Also include names: Victim, Witness, Suspect, etc. Bear in mind that reports deal with facts only. Do not DRAW CONCLUSIONS or include OPINIONS. This is not a story but an account written simply and clearly enough that if I were a member of a jury (I use that example to add weight) who was not at the scene, I could still understand what happened. I hope you have fun with this. I am going to make it Courtney's headache to set a due date for this. I hope she can get us back on schedule.

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