Thursday, June 08, 2006

Stream 2

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. I’ve heard that all my life. Thing is, I have never crossed the fence. I have seen what lies on the other side, and wanted it. Sure I know that the odds are that once I get it, it won’t be what I thought. I still wouldn’t know. It is an odd saying though if you think about it. Where did it originate? What person decided that the particular hue of color on the other side of the fence mattered? Why is it even considered a viable cliché? Am I now being compared to a cow? They don’t care how green the grass is, and they are dumb. If I am to look at the world as a cow, then I have larger problems than how green some grass is. I need to break away from the herd. Move in my own circle. March to the beat of a different drummer. Now there is a good militant cliché. It makes sense, and it instills a sense of order. That is what I am looking for. Someone who believes in order. I hate open ended “hey you” practices. Plot and plan what you are going to do. Spontaneity is inefficient. It may work sometimes, but deadlines cannot exist without order.

Okay, that is my ten minutes. What now?

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