Friday, April 21, 2006

Brian's Stream

I sit in my cave, my view of the world tainted by the metallic shades slanted open ever so slightly that the sunlight may make its way in. I wonder how this weekend will go. I don't really want to work today, but I will. I have to completely change the way the organizer works. I hear voices outside my door. I hope they don't interrupt this. I like writing. Courtney makes fun of me all the time because of my spelling and grammer, or lack there of. I like writing. I think it gives me another creative outlet that I had not explored before, not to this extent. I wonder if the way I write is the way I draw or paint. I have always been a big picture person. You know, where I like to see the over all end result instead of worrying over the little details. I like to paint too. I wish I had more time to do so.

Thought number 20. I like the fact that I can listen to music while I work. People think I'm nuts. I don't know why but I can get in a better "groove" if I have some music in the back ground. I think its because of its rythm. The pulsating beats as the words drip over them. I can think in that same beat. 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3. write a line of code with the key strokes following the very pulsating instant gratification of the music. Its soothing. Its calming. I like to lay my head back in my chair. I wish it were colder in here. Its hot.

Thought number 40. I don't know if I am doing this right or not. Back to programming. Its something about the music. I like being alone and programming. People bug me too much. It breaks my flow. In the flow. I should put that on my door. When I get interrupted it takes too much time to get back in the flow. The flow is important to programmers you know? The flow is what good code comes from. Creative code. Ideas that would not manafest themselves other wise. I wish I would have an original thought. Maybe I am too hard on my self. If life like were only like a video game. Where I could get to certain stages... and then hit save. That way, when I screwed up I could just go back and start from the part that I was right on.

Thought number 60. I can't wait to get to the next level of ubiquitous programming. Programming models where stuff just works. I can't wait to the next boom really happens. Its so weird knowing that we are about to hit another revolution and the world seems not to know. I know so many people that are living like its 1999 and I can feel 2020 closing in. I wonder what people will think when we have things like self controled cars that can freely operate on a highway, warn you when issues arrive, or take care of them itself. I wonder what people will think when they can infact talk to their computer that can seemingly make its own judgments about what you ask for. Not just do what you asked for. It's strange thinking of it in those terms though.

Thought number 80. I don't know if it will be right. I mean, if a computer really acted like it had artificial intelegence then it could make the consious decision to act on, or not, what you have requested. Imagine, "Computer, please pull up Google search." Computer, "Not really feeling like doing that right now. Watching the news. Please check back in 10 minutes." ouch. That would be frustrating. There would have to be some rules. Like children. It could be smart, but only like a smart child that was to do everything I ordered it, or it might get grounded. And have the TV taken away. But if stuff just worked, that would be great. I can't wait. People don't know how close we are yet. There is so much user experience revolution going on right now. Computers sucked back in the 90's. Yeah, I said it. Those of us who wrote software, we didn't take the time.

Thought number 100. I can't wait. Cars will soon under go such a revolution. The convergance of computers and cars is taking place right now. I don't know if my friends or family know it or not, but soon they will be able to interact with their cars like no body's business. We will have a complete convergance of Internet communication bringing applications into the cars that are just out of this world. You'll be able to tell your car the restaraunt you want to go to. Your car will confirm, "You mean the one on Lemmon and 32nd?" "Yes" "Ok, sit back and relax and we'll be there in 13 minutes and 45 seconds." This is what I've been waiting for. I'm disappointed that it is taking so long. I wish it would have happened 10 years ago. I can remember when the famous "IT" came out a few years ago. I was soo pumped. I was hoping for a floating transpertation device, or a teletransporter all together. It spawned discussions with Courtney about what we would do if we could get anywhere in the world within seconds. I was sooo jived. But then they came out with the scooter. I was crushed. I had to go back to work.

Last thought. And then I heard how teleporting would actually have to work. Its like this: A computer takes a scan of every atom, and the state of every atom in your body. Then it recreates it somewhere else and ultimately destroys the original. So, effectively it would have to clone you each and every time. That's where our current technology is. But, wait a second. Why? The information that passes through a computer is nothing more than atoms anyway. At least in Quantum computing. So, if that were the case, then why could you not pass the originals down the same transportation mechanism? Wireless, ethernet so on. So, if that happened then you could reach up and snatch a little piece of someone out of the air!!!! Strange.

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