Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Better late than never - Clean's stream

Procrastination, that pretty much sums me up. I need to act faster. Be on the ball. I’m tired. 0430 – God doesn’t even turn the sun on until 0700. Nothing in my mind. I am not sure if this works with someone like me. I can’t just let my mind wonder. I always end up trying to tell a story. Whether something that happened in my past, or making something up. See, I am doing it now. Logan is awake. He wakes up slow like I do. Don’t mess with him when he first wakes. He will scream at you…much like me. I wonder if coffee would help. I am sure that he would like it. I don’t know if I would like him on it. He is energetic enough without it. I wish I had his energy. I need to start working out. I am tried of being pudgy. I don’t know where to go with this anymore. I don’t have any thoughts in my head. Well, I guess that isn’t true. I must have thoughts if I am writing. What would it be like if I truly had no thought. I think Brian is home. Logan needs a new diaper. He is pretty soggy. Five more minutes. Who came up with time? I don’t mean who created it, but who decided how long a second is? Why are there 60 of them in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, but 24 hours in a day? Didn’t these people know about standardization? And why do we have an extra day every fourth year? That is just lack of proper math. If they had taken more time with the equation, I am sure that there would have been another way to incorporate that day. Add another minute to each day, or a second. Would that work? Is leap year the only way? How did I get here? “This is not my beautiful wife!” That was a fun song. The Talking Heads…great name. Well, that is my 15. This makes no sense.

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