Saturday, April 08, 2006

Premise: View As The Thief

You must write your story this week about Maxwell Galloway, a notorious jewelry thief in England. You have stolen several prized items; the most prized being the Royal Scepter with the Red Cross, one of the five scepters in the Crown Jewel collection. You story must pick up when Maxwell discovers the scepter has been stolen from him. The story takes place in modern day England.

Cast of characters:

Julia Galloway - Maxwell's estranged daughter, 23, lives in Paris.
Mortimer Franks - Maxwell's assistant and confidant, 55, lives with Maxwell.
Captain Vincent Van Haught - A captain in Scotland Yard, 57, trying to catch Maxwell.
Beth Holland - Maxwell's love interest, 49, lives in London.
Maxwell Galloway - Career thief, 54, lives just outside of London.

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