Saturday, January 26, 2008

Resolution / Goal for 2008

Many things come to mind that I'd love to accomplish this year...however I've chosen to talk to you about the completion of the remodeling of our house. I'd really love to complete the entire project but money and time seem never to be in agreement on getting this done in a timely manner.
So, I'll break it down into completeing two parts of the project this year...perhaps later on I can relate how we were able to accomplish even more.
1. I wanted to (especially) finish the back the point that it would not fall down. A VERY REAL POSSIABILITY.
The repairing of the porch, to where it is safe and will not fall off of the house has been accomplished. With the help of Jared and Brian on the weekend of Jan. 20, 2008 we jacked the porch back up into place and secured it.
This weekend Jan. 27, 2008 should see the finished product of the porch being repaired. Jared and I hope to complete the project at this time.
2. I want to repair the roof of the house. This will be a complete replacement of the roof.
The old roof must be taken completely off...there are presently two layers of shingles on the roof.
Then we will replace the roof with a new metal roof. I do not ever want to work on the roof of the house again during my life time. Exception being if a tornado should hit it.

The roof project is going to run me about $1500 to $2000 dollar's not counting what it will cost me to feed Jared and Brian, that could be harsh.
Kill a deer please...!

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