Sunday, February 03, 2008

New Year's Resolution

So I guess its ironic that I'm the one who posted this premise, but I don't really do resolutions. It seems to me that when people make resolutions, often times, they are setting themselves up for failure. I think that's because they try to make some kind of ultimate change all at once. It gets to be overwhelming and they just give up. So, I'd rather make progressive goals. Is that just semantics?

Anyway, my first goal is to live a healthier lifestyle than I did in most of 2007. I am not going to "diet" because that doesn't work. What people need is a sustainable lifestyle change. I heard Chef Paul on the radio the other day and he said that he had been over 500 pounds most ofhis life. But now he is down to 220 pounds and got there exclusively by eating less foood. He eats the same stuff he always has, but just eats less of it. This is a message I have been preaching, if not living for a long time. About 8 or 9 years ago, Brian and I started doing that and both lost weight fast. Then we moved to Austin and forgot about the whole thing. But for the last few months, I have started again - and its such an easy thing to do - and the weiht is coming off again. We've also been exercising. We seem to have a pattern, though, of doing well for the first part of the week, then by Thursday or Friday, we kind of fall short. So, the goal part is to become more aware of the amount of food that I eat and follow through with exercising through the whole week. I'd also like to take more time for myself. I have been hearing a lot and I agree that I can take better care of my family and other responsibilities by recharging myself.

Another goal that I would like to attain is to become more organized. I have always been hyper-organized in work and school, but it seems like I just can't get it together in my personal life. I have this awesome filing system, but it doesn't work if I don't put my papers in it. I have a great plan for keeping the house clean, but until I put it into action, my house will stay dirty. I know how to keep up the laundry, but if I don't do it, it piles up in the hampers (and on top and around them) and we run out of clean undies! So, I don't know how to accomplish all of this. I have the plans, I just don't know how to make myself implement them. I feel like I'm busy all the time, but I have no visible accomplishments. So...any suggestions are welcome!

One more thing I'd like to do this year is to make better use of our money. We really ought to know where we stand at any given moment. We should be able to pay our bills on time because we know where they are, what we owe, and whether or not we can afford it!

I guess that's it. Sorry - it was kind of a boring premise. I'll do better on my next turn!!!

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