Thursday, July 03, 2008

The Unseen Office

You've done it numerous times and probably never even given this a thought.

What is it that you've done?

You walk into a nice, beautiful hotel lobby...there's marble floors and great big leather chairs all around. Beautiful painting hanging on the walls, luxurious drapes hanging on the walls. Walls of beautiful dark woods with tables of various kinds setting in just the perfect spot. Then of course there's the desk clerk, just waiting to make you feel good about life.

Know what I mean?

Now, think of this...

There is (all be it nice) a warn carpet, warn from all the hundreds of people that have stood and walked across it. There's the ever present deposit boxes in the corner, ready for the next person to come on duty or get off, what ever be the case. There on the wall is where you can hang your coat or sweater or whatever pleases you. Then there's the always present door (or doors) that lead into the various other offices.

This is the desk behind the front desk, the front office, where your working computer sets at the ready. The ever present phone on the desk, the box of tissues, the computer monitor, the time clock, the clip boards of various types. Oh, yes there is a calender hanging on the wall also. Usually there is a printer or copier of some type also, you must always be able to make copies.

Shelves that have the books on how and what to do when something goes wrong. the ever present OSHA manuals (can not operate without them). Government, knows all about everything and anything at anytime...just ask them. Almost forgot, there usually is a mirror(somewhere close) to make sure you know how to smile and look good.

Oh, don't forget the office chair and the trash can, absolute must. The walls here are not as pretty as the ones out front in the main lobby. They are normally an off color of white or beige. They usually have some type of awards hanging instead of nice paintings. Notes, list, schedules, anything but nice relaxing pictures.

So, next time remember...that the person that greets you does NOT work in the beauty that you see in that lobby. It very rarely ever effects that person in anyway. His or her reality is very much removed from yours, at that particular time and place.

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