Saturday, July 12, 2008

god box: Chapter 1 - Boston

Obviously, I'm not writting a chapter book on this story. However, I reserve the right to do so later in life. I like where this is going, but I felt like to develop the story in the right mannor would take too long in this format. Hence, Chapter 1:

"What do you mean you've seen it?" asked Mari.

"I'm telling you, it's there, " responded Britton.

Mari wondered if it could be true. He had heard of it, but no one had actually seen it and survived. All those who had seen it had died of some unatrual cause immediately, or soon after and a curse had followed them affecting everyone they had been in contact with. But Britton said he had seen it over a week ago. He could be wrong.

"It's not possible. You would be dead. All those who came before you had died." Mari staired at Britton with those piercing green eyes. Those eyes had seen so much history, both read and experienced. Mari was a professor at Boston University School of Theology. Britton was a brilliant research student from Ireland.

Most history referred to it as "The Ark of the Covenant", but a folklore that was passed down Britton's family past (a decendant of the actient Gaelic family name of O Duhbda). His father swore by it, his father's father swore by it. But there was a problem. There was only one known written instance. The reference was to something called the "god box", not the Ark of the Covenant. Most had written it off as legend only. But not Britton. And now not Mari.

"It was as my father told me. Solid black as if it were made of obsidian. It had two deteriated pertrusions in the upper outside corners, which could be the hooks that rest upon the shafts that was used to carry it."

Mari stared in disbelief. As if some dream that he had been thrust into, he could not tell if he were awake or dreaming.

"And you found it where again?" Mari asked.

"In the church, in Boston. The Trinity Church in the Back Bay. It must have been Sir Thomason who had brought it over in 1886 from Ireland. The original church burned down in the Great Boston Fire of 1872."

Mari just stared. "How is it you are alive?'

"I don't know, but it was all so accidental. But I did look inside. There are a few other things in there, things that aren't documented. A rod is in there, a few stone tablets. But there's also several scrolls. Must be other accounts." Britton was bubbling with excitement. Mari could see the fluster and tried to calm him.

"Britton, it could be a fake. I mean, it would just be so odd that the Ark of the Coventant would be brought here by the Knights Templar when all the rest of the world would put it in exotic places like Ethiopia, France and Germany."

"But that's the beauty of it, Mari. Think about it; the rest of the world is looking everywhere else. No one is the wiser."

"Professor Scott will be looking. He is always on our heals, it would seem. He really apalls me. His sole purpose is to seek fame and money. I just pray to God that we find it before he does. Or hell on earth may be our payment for failure."

Britton began to describe the placement of the god box. It was in a cellar, which can only be accessed from behind the altar. A hidden dorr in the floor was partially obscured by the altar, which Britton had to move to gain full access.

What Britton and Mari didn't realize just yet is that Britton was special. He wasn't only the descendant of the spinners of the lore, but also of a long line of protectors of the Ark. This family blood line was blessed by God.

That would soon come in handy.

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