Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Wolf Wins

After having the door slammed in his face, burning his behind and being generally humiliated by a bunch of little appetizers, The Wolf decided not only to get his dinner, but revenge as well. Noting the cheap drapes and natural insulation of brick, The Wolf developed his plan.

First, The Wolf gathered twigs and straw enough to surround the house (most of which was left over from the first two houses). After purchasing a few other items, the plan was coming together.

Late that night The Wolf quietly pushed his cart up to the side of the house. Working slowly and silently he surrounded the house with the tinder and primed it all with diesel. Like the perfect assassin The Wolf removed his cart and hid in the nearby forest having never been noticed. All that was left to do was fill the bottle with fuel and soak the rag. Once lit, the Molotov Cocktail was hurled into the picture window on the front of the house. As the window dressing burned, hot ashes flew out past the broken glass and ignited the straw outside the house.

An hour later, The Wolf lay against a tree contented and drowsy; pork chop bones on the ground and bacon grease on the front of his shirt.

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