Thursday, June 12, 2008

Command and Conquer

The light rolls in from behind me. Whites glow with an erie moon blue.

From my strategic position I can spy enemies approaching. From this vantage point I can ascertain their threat level and defend my position accordingly. My front is guarded and my rear is unapproachable.

My communication device provides a link to the outside world through several different mediums. From this point I can also command many others. If needed I can also verbally call backups from close by camps.

My stallion of metal, plastic and leather provides long comfortable days from my command post. This is the second of such steeds I have had in my four years here.

I can see the sun light, however, I cannot see the sun directly from my position. Everything can be lit by an artificial sun if necessary.

Snow white surfaces provide space for battle plans to be drawn. Cobalt blues, dirt browns, pure orange adorn the battlefield with sophisticated attack sequences marred by incoherent scribble here and there. Its a direct transfer from my brain to the language of symbols and letters that control flow, content and delivery. They describe in themselves entire ecosystems that are available for defense or attack. They will serve me well in the coming months.

Commanders and soldiers have graced these halls of mine. Countless strategic missions have been conceived and delivered upon from this very command post. Few have come, many have parished, staining the walls with memories both verbal and visible. Families have passed through this door carrying with them hopes and dreams of a new future. Many have come with questions, some leave satisfied.

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