Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Last Man

I told them that it was no good for our people. I told them that the ritual was flawed beyond reason. But the elders all pushed it on the new men. Boys who were influenced by the fanciful stories and tales that the elders spun with their twisted tongues.

Rite of Passage they called it. Rite to die I called it. I denied the D'Marq. When it was my time I passed on it ritualistic game. It was a game, after all. A game that takes lives.

The Olgen was built centuries ago by our father's father's grandfathers. In it they placed a thousand stinging Guiders. Each with enough poison to kill every man in the entire community. Every boy wanting to marry, at that time when the gods of wind and rain claimed, the boy would place his entire arm in the Olgen. He had to leave it there until the Ferth, the oldest and wisest man in the community, declared it was time to remove it.

Without the ritual you could not marry. You could not gather with a woman. You could not hunt with the other men. You were an outcast. That is was what I had become. But I knew better.

I had rejected the ritual after thirteen years. My father was angered with me. He removed me from the dwelling. He told my siblings to turn to the sun when in my presence, as a replacement of his son. No one in the community would sit with me. I was alone.

I spent what should have been my prime in shame. I had never had the enjoyment of worshiping with a woman. I lived in a small hut I built next to the pigs. The stench was enough to almost knock you down. But it was the place where I could retrieve scraps of flesh left from slaughterings. I learned to live on my own.

The years went by and more and more boys were dying during D'Marq. The passing of time saw new Ferth who were seeing signs from the gods that they were not happy with the crop of new men into the community. They made the boys stay longer and longer each time. As time passed more and more boys died. Men were less plentiful than before.

Then Ternq became the Ferth. I believe he sought more power than what the gods were willing to give him. He was forcing boys to stay twice as long and most of the boys going through D'Marq were perishing. He blamed it on the community. He would give long speeches on how we have failed him, and how we have failed the gods. The women who had birthed the recent boys were beaten. They were cast from the community. Then the Great Purging happened.

The last ten men of the community were out hunting. They had been out for many days as the dry season, which had also been seen as a plague, had ravaged our food stores. Many boys had died in the last months from starvation. The Ferth had said to feed them last because they are strong and would survive. I don't think he could have ever been more wrong. Starvation ripped through the community like a dragon.

I was told by the last survivor that they had pushed the great bulls to a canyon, but the beasts had turned the wrong way. They backed them into a dead end and instead of the bulls submitting, they had turned and charged the hunters like a torrent disintegrating a rock face. Only one survived the attack, but not for long. Just long enough to tell the me of the tragedy. The Ferth was distraught.

Soon I became the most popular man in the community. The Firth was very old, too old to plant the seed of life.

But now I am ill. I have been stricken by a disease that is making me cough up blood. This disease usually only takes about 30 moons before it becomes fatal. The women of the community have lost faith in the Ferth, and I am now revered as a god. I am the one who denied, but now I am now being denied life and child and for it the community will end.

I do not think I will last long. Soon I too will die, the last man. I will not know my son, my daughter will not exist. Lest you heed these warnings the same fate will befall you as well. Be not a blind subject to a practice for the benefit of the people without thought of what is right and wrong. Do not blindly sacrifice your sons, and therefore your legacy or even your existance, on the continence of one man, especially when that man is enveloped in power and praise and not in justice. Put God before man, not man before God.

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