Friday, February 29, 2008

February 2008

The subject matter of your next story must be inanimate. Choose a single item that cannot function by itself, and create. It can be written in any form (first person, third person, etc.) as long as the item itself requires outside influence to operate, and is the main focus of the story.

I am not putting a length requirement, but lets not cheat ourselves.


Sorry, I have thought about and forgotten this story a hundred times since I posted the premise. I will try harder next time!

I feel the cool air all around me as I am being plucked from the comfort of my friends. The gentle pressure of his fingers makes me feel safe as if I were in the hands of someone who loved me. Slowly he moves me to his mouth as if to kiss me. I find myself resting between his lips curious about this feeling. Then suddenly I feel the pain, the hot searing pain and then it is gone. The only remnant a slow burning feeling. Then I can feel as he draws the air into me. The warmth passes through me from end to end. I begin to feel all of my cares fading away. A sense of euphoria lifts me to another place. It seems to last forever.

Suddenly all of that wonderful pleasure stops. I am slammed onto a hard surface. The twisting and crushing is unbearable. I don't know how long I can withstand this. The warmth is fading. I need that warmth. I will surely die without it! But as hard as I fight, the warmth still fades. I don't understand. As much as he loved me, is he done with me already? The fire is gone now. This is what it feels like to die.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Day in the Life

At 6a.m., the light in the room flickers on without warning. She walks in and takes off her nightgown and panties and steps into the shower. The room steams up with the heat of the water. After several long minutes, she steps out again and begins to dry herself. In only her towel, she walks to the mirror and runs her fingers through her wet hair. Then she reaches for me. She slathers me with a sweet tasting cream and draws me near. Her lips part. She begins the familiar motions, up, down, side to side. Then she is done. She rinses me with warm water and walks away.

I spend the day alone in the dimness of this room until well after night falls. She enters the room again and reaches for me...

Sunday, February 10, 2008


"Not again. Not him anway, " Lucy said.

"What's your problem?" asked Jean.

"Cold hands, fumbling, groping, so uneducated."

"You know, he's just begginingg. He'll get better with age, we all do."

"Yes, which is exactly why you can't possibly pair the two of us together. He is green, I am expirenced. He is dumb, I am smart. He is is clumbsy, I am perfect. I don't want that fumbling fool groping me."

Bobby picked up Lucy and ran the pick harshly across her strings. The sound Lucy emmitted was not to her liking. She gave a little extra vibration on E.

Bobby tried for C. His fingers where somewhere in the vacinity of F.

"Why do I have to use this dumb old guitar. I think its strings are too warn, " Bobby moaned.

Bobby's father entered the room.

"What are you doing son?" asked Charles.

"Oh, just messing around. I just can't seem to get C. It just sounds like dirt. Do you think we should re-string it?"

"Son, those strings are fine," Charles giggled under his breath. "It's not the strings. It just takes time. O'l Lucy here, she old. She belonged to Pop. She's...well, she's probably close to sixty years old now. He used to play her on the front porch. This is the guitar I learned to play."

Charles took Lucy in his hands and put together 10 of some of the finest chords immaginable. Lucy let out a sigh of relief and joy. He walked through several more progressions and then suddenly grabbed the neck and looked over at Bobby.

Bobby was grinning. "I wish I could do that. You make it look so easy, and you're right. The sound was awesome."

"It just takes time, son."

"I know, but there are these great new songs out, but when I look at the tabs they are just crazy."

"Start with something easier, son. Take it slow and keep at it. O'l Lucy here, well, if you treat her right she'll sound perfect. There's a lot of love in this old guitar. Pop used to sit on the front porch for hours singing and strumming. In fact, if you flip her over here, yeah, there it is, look deep in there. See it?"

"Bobby 'Pop' Martin - 1947. Is that my Pop?"

"Yep. Pop made this guitar himself. It took him most of one year. But you see son, you can't hardly buy guitars like this one. The Mother of Pearl inlaid here was from shells he collected in World War II, in the Pacific. The face is Rosewood, which is extremely rare now. The strings, well they are steel, but I bet they are at least thirty years old. Bobby, they just don't make them like this anymore."

Lucy seemed to glow a little brighter.

"Wow, I wonder how much its worth?"

"Son, promise me one thing: never get rid of Lucy here. She's a very important part of this family, our haritage. She must always stay with us. Lucy here holds some very important secrets."

"Secrets? What are you talking about? Family secrets?"

"Some day, Bobby. Some day."

Lucy could feel the weight of what she was hearing, deep in her belly.

Sunday, February 03, 2008


Well i just put out a drawn out blog and it did not save for whatever reason so since I can't remember it this will be short and to the point. All I want this year is a home, to the point a house. I've never had one, ever and it's time!! My family and I deserve it.

New Year's Resolution

So I guess its ironic that I'm the one who posted this premise, but I don't really do resolutions. It seems to me that when people make resolutions, often times, they are setting themselves up for failure. I think that's because they try to make some kind of ultimate change all at once. It gets to be overwhelming and they just give up. So, I'd rather make progressive goals. Is that just semantics?

Anyway, my first goal is to live a healthier lifestyle than I did in most of 2007. I am not going to "diet" because that doesn't work. What people need is a sustainable lifestyle change. I heard Chef Paul on the radio the other day and he said that he had been over 500 pounds most ofhis life. But now he is down to 220 pounds and got there exclusively by eating less foood. He eats the same stuff he always has, but just eats less of it. This is a message I have been preaching, if not living for a long time. About 8 or 9 years ago, Brian and I started doing that and both lost weight fast. Then we moved to Austin and forgot about the whole thing. But for the last few months, I have started again - and its such an easy thing to do - and the weiht is coming off again. We've also been exercising. We seem to have a pattern, though, of doing well for the first part of the week, then by Thursday or Friday, we kind of fall short. So, the goal part is to become more aware of the amount of food that I eat and follow through with exercising through the whole week. I'd also like to take more time for myself. I have been hearing a lot and I agree that I can take better care of my family and other responsibilities by recharging myself.

Another goal that I would like to attain is to become more organized. I have always been hyper-organized in work and school, but it seems like I just can't get it together in my personal life. I have this awesome filing system, but it doesn't work if I don't put my papers in it. I have a great plan for keeping the house clean, but until I put it into action, my house will stay dirty. I know how to keep up the laundry, but if I don't do it, it piles up in the hampers (and on top and around them) and we run out of clean undies! So, I don't know how to accomplish all of this. I have the plans, I just don't know how to make myself implement them. I feel like I'm busy all the time, but I have no visible accomplishments. So...any suggestions are welcome!

One more thing I'd like to do this year is to make better use of our money. We really ought to know where we stand at any given moment. We should be able to pay our bills on time because we know where they are, what we owe, and whether or not we can afford it!

I guess that's it. Sorry - it was kind of a boring premise. I'll do better on my next turn!!!