Saturday, July 07, 2007

End of the World

"Klatu, hurry, we have only a few minutes to get to the observation deck. We've come to far to not see what is about to happen." I said.

"I know, I'm working as fast as I can." he replys.

Klatu is my robot/android. We've come a long ways in the last fifity years are so since we were last here on Earth. I remember how close it came to our destroying this place. However at the last moment we decided not to. Maybe we should have gone ahead and done it at that time. At least then it would have been over quickly with out very much time to worry about it.

Funny that I, of all individuals should think in terms like that. They haven't had time to even realize that they are about to be extinguised. We just spotted it ourselves.

"How you doing Klatu?" His hands move with the lightning speed of a machine gone mad.

"Getting there!" he replys.

"Hurry, please. We've come to many light years to not see this. Hopefully we'll be able to figure out just what has happened to make the sun do this at this time."

The transport jumps and then stops. Klatu looks at the panel, shakes his head and then goes back to work. He now has effectively and completely rewired the entire panel for the transport. He reaches out and pushes the panel door back into place. "Observation deck," he says.

The transport moves and in just a couple of moments we're at the observation deck.

We are watching the sun from about two light years away and as I look at it it has already began to throb/pluse. However you want to put it.

This should not be happening at this time the sun should have lasted another billion pluse years. Not dieing at this time.

"Well, Klatu, you got us here and thank you. Can you see anything unusual about the sun?"

"Yes, It is pulsating."

"I can see that. What else?"

"Nothing. This should not be happening, I repeat this should not be happening." Klatu states.

All of a sudden I see the first of the many energy waves that will follow and move out from the sun. "Computer, move us back another light year just to be safe."

As the ship comes to a stop again...Mars begins to shift and become a glowing fire ball. In about two more minutes the Earth will also do the same. In about six weeks the entire galaxy will be nothing but a batch of burning rocks.

"I'm sorry Galin." Klatu says. "I know, how you reacted to the lady back there in 52 when we were here."

"Thanks Klatu."

As I look out across space Earth shakes like a being in their death throe's, then in only a few moments the half faceing the sun starts to glow. Moments later the entire planet is life can survive this.

"Klatu, give us a heading far a planet that we can put their ship down on. We'll at least try and give the surviving earthlings an opportunity to survive." I said.

We had seen the space ship heading towards Mars. There are sixteen people on board.

Maybe that will be enough to start over, maybe not.

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