Monday, February 27, 2006

Confidential - Leaders Log

This was recovered by Battle Group Destiny and is translated to the best of our knowledge. This document is top secret and contains the last 12 hours of the Pledian Leader's Log. From our interpretations the Leader had brought his armada to invade Earth.

4:32 pm
I have just received orders from home. This planet, Earth as they have referred to it, has some value. It appears that the inhabitants are docile and of a non-military form. My superiors would like me to lead an invasion. It should not be too difficult as my soldiers are hardened from weeks of war. The inhabitants are to be eliminated as we can use Earth as a way station. I need to visit this Earth in preparation.

4:33 pm
Earth is cold, much colder than my recent exploits. I do miss Pledian so. It has been over 300 years since I have last visited my family. With seclusion on they are not allowed to travel to my current vector. Earth seems to hold no promise. It is a dying planet. It will surely parish in the next millennia without intervention. But why does the Council want this planet. What does it have to offer? It seems too insignificant to waste a trip on.

4:59 pm I have had an incident. I have come into contact with one of the inhabitants from Earth. I don't know what to make of it. My translator worked fine, and the cloak has worked as well. She thought I was one of her own. They don't seem to be wary of my presence. I was invited into a dwelling with them to consume food. Earth food does not taste very good. I think I may have a glitch in my sensory translator. The sense of taste is not translating from Earth food to Pledian food. I must have my engineers look at this. Soon.

5:54 pm
I have spent time with this one known as Tabitha. It is a female of the species they call Human. They claim to differentiate them selves from the rest of the inhabitants by a matter of what they call reason. Tabitha claims that none of the other animals on Earth can perform this action. I must investigate this thing reason.

6:22 pm I understand now. What they are calling Reason is what we call Mq Implants. She claims that it is a gift from their Upper Being. She says that hey were given this Reason and placed in charge of Earth to rule over all the other animals. But she didn't know how this Upper Being implanted it. She said that it is always there. They must implant it during the gestational period.

7:45 pm
I have left Tabitha now. I must venture to another part of this world. She talked about something she called art. I must investigate it as all Earth Humans seem to have a deep passion for it. She said that Humans use their soul to create it. But also from my understanding the soul is also implanted. But she said that not every Human has one. All are born with it and somehow certain Humans loose theirs. I don't understand how you could loose an implant unless it was somehow cut from your body.

9:23 pm I am in a place they are calling an art museum. Someone told me that this is where humans like to collect their objects of art. It does not look like any other dwelling. I am finding that not all dwellings are alike. They have classified them and made them have specific purposes.

9:24 pm I made a miraculous discovery. Art has stirred emotions and feelings in my core like nothing ever before. Apparently there are many different forms of this art. The one I am looking at now is called painting. They take a liquid and use primitive tools to apply the liquid onto something flat. But they way they apply it is very strange. Some paintings are bright and beautiful. They make me think of the plasma sprays in Galgon. Some are dark and threatening. They make me think of battle. Some are curious and don't seem to reflect anything but chaos and disorder.

10:05 pm The art museum I was in has closed its doors. Therefore I am expanding my research into other forms of art. Another Human told me of a kind of art called music. They say the Music Museums are open throughout the night. I will interface with another Human who calls himself Dan on this subject. He said that he was to go visit another dwelling in a short while that has people that he calls "bands" that will be performing music.

12:35 am
The Human Dan and I are in a dwelling called a club. He said that music is broken down to different types. He said this type is called techno. When the Humans talk of music they are talking about Sound Wave Distortion. They have mastered ways to control it using finite skills. We have had weapons that use sound waves before, but no one has ever thought of using it for art. But then again, we have never had something like art. I have an emotion I have never had before. I think Dan called it “like” in his native tongue. He said that it means you experience something and you want to experience it again. Much like when you are making your first kill I suppose. That feeling you get as you decimate your enemy and dominate your surroundings. You want to do that again. Well, art generates similar but different feelings. I want to research some more of this art.

2:49 am
Dan has taken me to another club. This one is classified as a Jazz club. He said that this music is much different than the techno music. I would agree. However different they are I am enjoying both. They have different features. While we were traveling to the club Dan showed me another kind of music called classical. I believe that I may like classical best of all. He said that the best classical music was created hundreds of Earth years ago. That over the years the skills used to create this masterful work of art was somehow lost. I don’t understand why. Why would you let this art form die? It is possibly the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced. Every sound wave stirs emotion in my core. I do not know how to explain it, but it is causing my to consider several different positions I had not thought of before.

3:01 am
Dan has let me link into the Human communication network. I am discovering all sorts of new art types. They are broken into many different categories, using many different mediums. They have another form called “sculpting”. They use material to make something that is an inanimate object. But is to represent something else. Much like that of the paintings, but this one is not flat. It has multiple dimensions. Dan has several sculptures, but I found pictures of some on the Internet that I must see for myself.

4:15 am
I have decided that I am leaving my position as Leader of my brigade. I cannot participate in the conquering of a race that has produced so many beautiful things. I will try to blend

This is where the “Leader” stopped. We don’t know what happened to him. We have been trying to track down Tabitha and Dan to get more information on him, but we cannot find any trace of the two. We do know that most of his time was spent in New York. We can only assume that the “Leader” was either taken out by his superiors or he was discovered and is still ingrained in our society. Regardless, we can only assume that because of what he described here that an alien invasion was thwarted.

Some of the concepts may be incorrect as they were translated with what little we know about their symbolic language. From the text we have found we can estimate that their language has over 50,000 different symbols.

This report has concluded that this document and translation are authentic. It was recovered from a foreign starship that we captured on the outskirts of our solar system. The alien crew seemed distraught and uncoordinated as they were boarded without any resistance. The marines could not find anyone that seemed to be their leader. They must have had some sort of suicide pill or something of the sort. 10 minutes after their ship was boarded, they all died.

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